How the 3rd Wave Coffee movement is Flooding Latin America

photo taken by unknown artist on unsplash

The global influence of the acclaimed third-wave coffee movement is only getting more intense with time. The third-wave coffee movement is sweeping the whole world, from hip coffee houses in developed nations, to state of the art producing farms in developing nations. What began as a niche trend (or what was thought to be) suddenly has become the very livelihood for millions of men and women.

The "3rd Wave" coffee movement, is an emerging coffee specialty movement; known as a more circular experience (from plant to cup) whose main goal is create a sense of understanding of coffee processes as to why is so diverse and why so many flavors & derivatives can be extracted from it (when done right, like us). As a result of this new wave, old-school coffee farmers/traders like Jacobo, became more sustainable since their beginnings on the 1st Wave.

The Third Wave is characterized by sustainability, a passion for aesthetics, and well-made, earthy "craft" products. Requirements include connoisseurship, precision, and attention to detail. Third Wave/Specialty Coffee in Latin America. The Third Wave Coffee movement, which originated in Portland, Oregon, in 2002, is the most recent iteration of coffee brewing. You may also hear specialized coffee, referred to as craft coffee. Specialty coffee, which focuses on high-quality, small-batch coffee, is everything Starbucks is not, and the quality difference is readily apparent.

You don't need to be a third-wave coffee snob to find, appreciate, and enjoy a nice cup of specialty coffee at a fantastic coffee shop!

What to look for while determining a third-wave coffee shop:

Single Origin Beans: Coffee beans must come from a single nation, region, or farm. No blends! Each bean variety responds well to distinct roasting and brewing processes; therefore, combining beans compromises the capacity to highlight each bean's characteristics.

High-Quality Beans: The finest beans from the harvest. Each coffee farm will harvest and sell flawed, less expensive, premium beans. A third-wave coffee shop exclusively purchases beans of the highest grade.

Crafted Coffee: Each cup is individually created by hand. There are no gallons of drip coffee here. From freshly ground beans to your desired brewing method, each cup of coffee is meticulously handcrafted for you.

Hip Coffee Shops: Third-wave coffee shops feature unique brewing technologies such as V60, Chemex, Clever, Aeropress, Siphon, and Cold Brew. Each brewing method brings out a unique flavor in each bean, and many third-wave coffee shops offer a variety of roasts and beans to complement their main brewing methods.

If you like espresso beverages, latte art is also an excellent indicator of a third-wave coffee business.

Now that you know what to look for, visit Deja Brew s online coffee store and get your hands on a delicious ristretto or an aromatic pour-over!


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